You didn't really think I was going to go all this time without giving you a recap & a lil quilt fix did ya?
While we vacationed in Newfoundland to visit my family we took a little side trip to spend a day on Fogo Island. This magical place has demanded a promise for further exploration in the future because one day was simply not enough. In our short time there I did however manage to scrounge up a few bits of noteworthy quilty goodness to share with you from that beautiful corner of the earth.
*Fun Fact: Brimstone Head on Fogo Island is actually considered one of the 4 corners of the earth by members of the Flat Earth Society.
This wall of quilts made for simply marvelous eye candy on board the car ferry that travels the short distance to and from Fogo.... it's made of 8 panels that depict traditional Newfoundland culture, scenery and life. The tiny details were wonderful and I really enjoyed having the time to look closely at the work while we sailed to the Island. The makers of the quilts did a fine job...I have "a thing" for salt cod and that little detail included on 2 of the panels made me squeal with delight!
And this vintage shamrock quilt found on a museum bed on Fogo made the one that is tattooed on the back of my neck tingle with possibilities. Clearly I've got to explore this idea a little more too...

A few days later we set out for a drive in search of some new scenery. I found this humble quilt on a bed of Random Passage fame. Random Passage was a mini series filmed in Newfoundland several years back. The village was constructed to historically replicate an early settlement of the late 1800's. The film set buildings are perched on the banks of a resettled outport, nothing of the actual original community exists to tell the story of this place or its people except for two root cellars. I'm looking forward to watching the series & reading the book upon which it was based now that I've been inside all the buildings. It is open each year for tourists and is a rather neat place to visit if you're headed toward Trinity or Bonavista. The colours of this patchwork were interesting...I suppose fabric dyes would have been rather limited back then, this one was made of woolen cloth.

I couldn't possibly share with you even half of the the moments from this trip. We had a fantastic time and were all more-than-a-little sad to come home. Should you ever have an opportunity to visit this North Atlantic gem of a stone for Cod's sake, do it!
Time spent on this Rock is time well spent!