Life has a way of tossing out reality checks now and then. I've had several life changing moments thrown at me over the years but this last one might have been the most terrifying 30 seconds yet. Friday night this beautiful deer crossed my path and ended up trading her life for mine.
Broken, like my heart.
I am so sorry. |
Deer are plentiful in my neck of the woods and normally I enjoy seeing them, but I prefer not to be riding my Fatboy at 80km an hour at the time. We were headed home just around dusk when this big doe happened to cross the road just as I was passing leaving me no time to panic, swerve or brake. Perhaps that's what saved me, maybe it was a troop of guardian angels riding with me or maybe the devil's not quite ready for me yet?
What ever the reason, I am grateful.
When I saw her leap out of the ditch, knowing I couldn't stop, I instantly pegged myself for dead. This was it, my greatest fear suddenly realized. In mere seconds I thought about my son, my husband, my family.
But I got lucky. I got a chance to tell the people I care about how much I love them. I got to wrap my arms around my child, my husband, my dogs and wake to see another day. I walked away from a motorcycle accident and that my friends, is a rare gift, the magnitude of which is not lost on me.
I walked.
Can't help but think of my friends friend who hit one near Truro a couple weeks ago who will spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair, paralyzed. Can't help but feel sorry for that animal who lay broken and afraid until the RCMP Officer arrived to bring her peace. Can't help but feel good about the kindness of countless people who stopped to offer assistance. Can't help but feel gratitude for that one friend who came in a heartbeat to help get me & my bike home and asked no questions, offered no opinions or advice...just came. Can't help but wonder if I might ever be settled enough to actually enjoy riding my bike again.
I walked away.
I am hurt but not badly.
My bike is messed up but it can be fixed.
The deer keeps running in front of my minds eye but eventually the image will rest and so will I.
Life is short and it can change forever in seconds.
I already knew this.
But I am reminded.
So now, because I can, I'm reminding you:
Life is short.
Follow your joy.
Tell people you love them every chance you get.