Sunday, 26 July 2015

Gravity Project: Eclipse

Ah yes, Block 8: Eclipse. The only block that gave me trouble.
This set was a Bonnie Tyler throw back: It was a total eclipse of the heart brain...
Remember that song?  Loved that when I was much too young to understand it, but she had fabulous hair didn't she with that whizzy, electric blue line coming out of her ears on the cassette cover? Heard it just the other day on the radio, surprising that 25 years later (or maybe even 30?) I can still belt out the words to it but cannot remember what I need to buy to at the grocery store. I have been bumming bandaids for a week having sliced deep into the top off my knuckle in a hair didding mishap on Tuesday. Seven trips to the store later and my memory says nothing about first aid supplies. Go figure....

Yes, block 8 sewed up without a problem. It was the cutting that gave me pause. And not the actual cutting mind was the organization and planning required just before the blade sliced pretty little angles into those precious blue strips where I ran into problems.

Yup, I flipped those little strip sets the wrong way and once they were cut there was no turning back. The colours aren't in the right order, my ABC's got all screwed up. I suppose I could have gone all out and re sewn and cut new pieces but that's just not how I roll. Most people will never know this happened because in the broader picture it hardly matters. First. World. Problem.

So, I let it go with a note-to-self to not make the same mistake when I did the yellow set. But did I remember?  Did I pause and reflect on past errors and exercise caution?

Nope. So, dear reader, I give you not one but TWO screwed up Eclipse blocks.

             Linking up with Busy Hands Quilts for the Gravity Quilt-A-Long!


  1. Oh my dear you and I are cut from the same cloth. I would never re sew and would totally make the same mistake twice!and stop cutting yourself!

  2. Oh my dear you and I are cut from the same cloth. I would never re sew and would totally make the same mistake twice!and stop cutting yourself!

  3. Three cheers from this corner for NOT being like everybody else! Your blocks are beautiful.

  4. I agree with everyone else. Glad you've finally got a new robot in house as well. That must be such a relief for you.

  5. Another cut? Do I need to send you a first-aid care package? LOL Love the blocks -- they look great!!!

  6. I am so so so in agreement with Lynne and Millie -- KEEP THOSE TWO BLOCKS JUST THE WAY THEY ARE! (sending hugs for the finger)

  7. Not sure just how they were suppose to look but to me they look awesome the way they are ! Ouch on the hand injury .

  8. Hey, if you're going to mess up, go big or go home, right? ;) Lol. I think they look fabulous either way!

  9. Before I went to the verbage below the picture I was looking at the blocks thinking - they seem to have similar values in similar places. I didn't get it. Now I do and that said - who cares? The blocks are impressive as is.

  10. Ah well. At least you're consistent. In block making and in grocery shopping. :) The blocks are looking great!

  11. That's exactly the mistake I made. Didn't fix it either as it makes no matter at all.
